Help & Contact
How can we help you?
Renew travel pass
How can I renew my travel pass?
What should I do if I’ve lost the letter to renew my travel pass?
Can I let my travel pass start on a different date than the one listed in your proposal?
What should I do if I have received two bank transfer forms for the renewal of my season ticket?
What if my discount is not reflected in my subscription renewal proposal?
Discounts and exclusive rates
Am I entitled to a free travel pass or a travel pass at a reduced rate?
Are childeren allowed to travel for free?
What should I do if I am entitled to a reduced rate and want to renew my Omnipas 65+?
How do I know which discounts are automatically taken into account when purchasing a season ticket online?
My MOBIB card
What should I do if I my pass has been lost or stolen?
What should I do if my MOBIB card does not scan or is defective?
How can I check whether my travel pass has been loaded onto my MOBIB card after payment?
How do I request a new MOBIB card?
Do I have to buy a ticket if I don't have my MOBIB card with me or it doesn't work?
Student Bus Pass / Campus pass
Where do I find more information about the Student Bus Pass/Campus Pass?
Where can I buy a MOBIB card for my Student Bus Pass / Campus Pass?
Can I use my NMBS-SNCB MOBIB card for my Student Bus Pass / Campus Pass?
Where can I travel with my Student Bus Pass/Campus Pass?
What should I do if I have paid for my Student Bus Pass / Campus Pass through my educational establishment, but have also received a bank transfer form from De Lijn?
Cheaper-commuting (employees)
Is my employer obliged to pay a financial contribution towards my De Lijn ticket?
How much is the contribution if I have an NMBS-SNCB travel pass as well as a De Lijn travel pass? Or what should I do with a combined travel pass?
How much is the contribution if I have both a De Lijn ticket and a company or lease bike or cycling allowance? Can I combine the two benefits? Or does a maximum amount apply here?
What is the minimum amount that my employer must contribute in the costs of my commute ?
How do I request a financial contribution from my employer?