If you decide not to use the trial pack and therefore don’t click on the <send application> button in the invitation email, your data will be immediately deleted. You won’t receive any further functional or commercial communication from the providers.
If you do want to use the trial pack, your data will be included in the customer database of the providers (De Lijn, Cambio and/or Blue-bike) whose offer you take up, so that your travel pass or membership can be created. You can find out how each of these providers processes personal data in a customer database on its website:
- For De Lijn: https://www.delijn.be/en/voettekst/privacy.html?vertaling=true
- For cambio: https://www.cambio.be/en-bxl/cookie-and-privacy-policy
- For Blue-bike: https://www.blue-bike.be/en/terms-and-conditions (Article 13)
You have the right to view, correct or, in some cases, arrange for the deletion of your personal data.
- For De Lijn: you can submit customer feedback, specifically asking to inspect, changing or delete your data.
- For cambio: send an email to vlaanderen@cambio.be
- For Blue-bike: send an email to info@blue-bike.be
You also have the right to submit a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data to the Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, tel: +32 2 427 48 00, www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be.
Any questions about this subject?
Fill in this form.