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<h4>Goed om weten</h4> <p>Zijn er meerdere Buzzy Pazzen in je gezin? Dan kun je recht hebben op <a href= "">gezinskorting</a>. <h5>Je hebt abonnementen gekocht zonder gezinskorting, maar je denkt toch recht te hebben op een korting?</h5> <p>Bezorg ons hieronder je gegevens, dan kijken wij je aankoop na. Had je inderdaad recht op een korting, dan betalen wij het verschil terug. Vermeld daarom zeker je rekeningnummer.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>The Public Welfare Centre will apply to our travel passes service on your behalf. After this application has been made you will receive a bank transfer form which you can use to pay for your travel pass. We will then send you your MOBIB card with your travel pass on it.</p><p>Have you not received anything yet? <strong>Contact the Public Welfare Centre</strong>.</p><p>Do you have something to tell us or ask us about this subject? Follow the steps below.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>Fedasil, the Red Cross or Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen will apply to our travel passes service on your behalf. After this application has been made you will receive a bank transfer form which you can use to pay for your travel pass. We will then send you your MOBIB card with your travel pass on it.</p><p>Have you not received anything yet? <strong>Contact one of these bodies</strong>.</p><p>Do you have something to tell us or ask us about this subject? Follow the steps below.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4> <p>If you have a recent certificate from the federal pension service, an annual travel pass is cheaper.</p> <p>How do you apply for a travel pass of this kind? Follow the steps below.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4> <p>If you meet the conditions, an annual travel pass is cheaper.</p> <p>How do you apply for a travel pass of this kind? Follow the steps below.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>If not all of your children are living at the same address, the family discount cannot automatically be applied online.</p><p>How can you buy a family discount travel pass in this case? Follow the steps below.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>Ask your employer how you can buy or renew a travel pass of this kind.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4> <p>Are you entitled to a free travel pass? If so, you’ll receive it automatically.</p> <p>Note that we charge an administrative fee for creating and sending the MOBIB card on which your travel pass is held. The card is valid for 5 years and is strictly personal.</p> <p>You will receive a letter or email with a bank transfer form. After you’ve paid you’ll receive a MOBIB card with your free travel pass on it.</p> <ul> <li>If you have a disability, you’ll receive a free Buzzy Pazz or Omnipas if you live in the Flemish Region and you: <ul> <li>are registered with the Flemish Agency for People with Disabilities (VAPH)</li> <li>receive an allowance from the Federal Public Service Social Security (FODSZ/SPFSS). Note: this does not apply to children who are recognised by the FPS as having a disability and receive Supplementary Child Benefit.</li> <li>receive an allowance for help for the elderly from your health insurance fund</li> <li>are entitled to special employment support measures (BTOM) from the Flemish Public Employment and Vocational Training Service (VDAB)</li> </ul></li> <li>If you have a visual disability: <ul> <li>you can travel for free by bus or tram on presentation of your National Public Transport Discount Card. You can also bring a guide dog with you for free.</li><li>You can apply for the National Public Transport Discount Card from:<br>Federal Public Service Social Security, Attestations Service <br>Administratief Centrum Kruidtuin<br>Finance Tower<br>Kruidtuinlaan 50, bus 1<br>1000 Brussels<br></li> <li>Send this service a completed application form, which you can request from your municipal authority.</li> </ul></li> <li>If you travel with an accompanying person on a bus or tram, he or she can travel with you for free. Request an accompanying person’s card from NMBS-SNCB for this. You may bring a maximum of one accompanying person with you on your card. <a href="" target=”_blank">On the NMBS-SNCB website</a> you can read more about the terms and conditions.</li></ul>
<h4>Travel passes for job-seekers with vocational training contracts cannot be purchased online</h4><p>Are you a job-seeker with a vocational training contract with the VDAB? If so, you are entitled to a free travel pass lasting one month, three months or one year (depending on the duration of your training).</p><p>Request your travel pass via your <a href="" target="_blank"> VDAB support worker</a>.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>Most municipal discounts are automatically granted without a certificate, but some municipalities make an exception to this and explicitly ask for the discount only to be granted on presentation of a certificate.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">You can find an overview here of the discounts given by each municipality</a>.</p><p>Ask your municipality how you can buy a travel pass of this kind.</p>
<h4>You cannot buy travel passes online for job-seekers on a job market reintegration programme</h4><p>Are you a job-seeker on a job market reintegration programme with the VDAB?</p><p>If so, ask your <a href="" target="_blank">VDAB support worker</a> for advice on the possibilities.</p>
<h4>You cannot buy a travel pass for holders of a national recognised status online</h4><p> Do you have a nationally recognised status? If so, you can travel for free on public transport. To travel for free by bus or tram you need a Patriotic Grounds Discount Card. You can apply for this card from NMBS-SNCB, TEC or MIVB-STIB.</p><p>On the <a href="" target="_blank">NMBS-SNCB website</a> you will find more information and a list of people who can travel for free with a Patriotic Grounds Discount Card.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><ul><li>If you already have a MOBIB card: your new travel pass will be added automatically to your MOBIB card from 10 am the next day. You will not receive any notification of this (by post or email).</li><li>If you do not yet have a MOBIB card: you will receive a MOBIB card from us in the post with your travel pass on it.</li></ul><p>On the bus or tram you can easily check which products are on your card using the info button on the scanner.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4> <h5>Is your MOBIB card lost or stolen?</h5> <p>Request a duplicate online.</p> <ul> <li>You’ll then receive an email asking you to pay the administrative fee</li> <li>Once your payment has been received, you’ll be sent a new MOBIB card by post.</li> <li>In the meantime, you must have a valid ticket for every journey you make. Otherwise, you risk being given a fine. De Lijn does not reimburse these costs.</li> </ul> <h5>Is your MOBIB card no longer valid?</h5> <p>You can carry on using the expired MOBIB card as long as the travel pass that’s on it is valid. When you renew your travel pass, you’ll be charged an administrative fee for a new MOBIB card.</p> <h5>Is your MOBIB card defective or damaged?</h5> <p>Go to a Lijnwinkel store, and we’ll help you immediately. Or send us a clear picture of your card (see attachments below).</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>You can ignore the offer you have received from De Lijn and buy your own travel pass <a href="" target="_blank">online</a>.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><ul><li>Make sure you have a copy of your proof of identity available. We will ask you to upload it digitally immediately. We cannot change your address without this proof.</li><li>If you have a MOBIB card, you can simply carry on using it, even after a change of address.</li></ul>
<h4>Good to know</h4> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Rules on the cancellation of travel passes</a></p> <p>We always charge a small administrative fee.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>Find out all about discounts and special rates <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>We normally send out a letter or email before date on which your travel pass expires about renewing it, so check your mailbox and be sure to check your spam folder too.</p><p>Have you not received a letter or an email? <a href="" target="_blank">Renew your travel pass online</a>. This is the fastest way.</p>
Explain your question or problem
Reason for refund
How did you purchase the travel pass?
How did you purchase the travel pass?
Lijnwinkel: provincie Vlaams-Brabant
Do you already have a MOBIB card?
Have you already received a bank transfer form for the purchase of your MOBIB card?
When did you receive the proposal?
When did you pay?
What account number did you make the payment into?
From what account number did you pay?
What payment identification reference did you use?
How much did you pay?
Select the desired start date (14 calendar days after your request at the earliest)
(14 calendar days after your request at the earliest)
Select your desired period of validity
When did you do this?
Have you received a purchase confirmation by email from De Lijn?
Explain your question or problem
<h5>Koop je duplicaat online</h5> <p><a href="">Betaal hier meteen je duplicaat online</a> Na betaling ontvang je gratis digitale tickets in afwachting van ontvangst van je nieuwe MOBIB-kaart.</p> <p>Heb je nog andere vragen? Vul dan dit formulier in.</p>
<h5>Is je MOBIB-kaart defect?</h5> <p>Je hebt meerdere mogelijkheden om je kaart te laten nakijken/ een duplicaat aan te vragen.</p> <ul><li>Laat je MOBIB-kaart in een Lijnwinkel nakijken. Een kaart zonder fysieke schade, die nog niet vervallen is, vervangen we gratis in een Lijnwinkel.</li><li>Meld je defect via dit formulier. Als we de MOBIB-kaart moeten vervangen, wordt hiervoor 10 euro aangerekend.</li> <li>Vraag via je account op onmiddellijk een duplicaat van je MOBIB-kaart aan. Een duplicaat kost 10 euro. <a href = ''>Meer info</a> </li> </ul>
Gsm-nummer reiziger
Do you know your MOBIB-number?
Do you already have a travel pass with De Lijn?
Select the issuer of your MOBIB card
<h4>Enter the MOBIB number below</h4><p>You’ll find the travel pass holder's MOBIB number on the front of the MOBIB card. This number consists of 19 digits, the first six digits of which are: 629852</p><img src="//" alt="MOBIB-kaart MIVB" width="242" height="154">
<h4>Enter the MOBIB number below</h4><p>You’ll find the travel pass holder's MOBIB number on the front of the MOBIB card. This number consists of 19 digits, the first six digits of which are: 308602</p><img src="//" alt="MOBIB-kaart NMBS" width="242" height="154">
<h4>Enter the MOBIB number below</h4><p>You’ll find the travel pass holder's MOBIB number on the front of the MOBIB card. This number consists of 19 digits, the first six digits of which are: 639653</p><img src="//" alt="MOBIB-kaart MIVB" width="242" height="154">
<h4>Enter the MOBIB number below</h4><p>You’ll find the travel pass holder's MOBIB number on the front of the MOBIB card. This number consists of 19 digits, the first six digits of which are: 308687</p><img src="//" alt="MOBIB-kaart TEC" width="242" height="154">
MOBIB number
MOBIB number
MOBIB number
MOBIB number
Indicate whether De Lijn has your permission to retrieve your social data using your national register number
<h4>Good to know</h4><p>We need your MOBIB number or national register number to process your application made via this form (to prevent abuses).</p><p> If you prefer not to give your number, you can go to any of our <a href="" target="_blank">Lijnwinkel stores</a>.</p>
National register number (or alien ID card number)
Is your new or existing address administratively compliant?
Travel pass holder’s first name
Travel pass holder’s surname
Date of birth
Street name
House number
Municipality or submunicipality
Oud adres:
Nieuw adres:
You wish to use a correspondence address that differs from your home address
Street name
House number
Municipality or submunicipality
BIC code
Enter the start date of the travel pass here
What payment method did you use?
IBAN number
[Please give more details]
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><ul><li>a copy of the family composition certificate (available from your municipality)</li><li>a copy of the identity cards</li><li>a passport photo if the travel pass holder:<ul><li>does not have a national register number</li><li>is under 12 years old and does not have a Kids-ID</li></ul></li></ul><p><strong>Note:</strong> give each photo a clear name so that we can see which photo belongs to whom.</p>
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><ul><li>a copy of the certificate you have received from the federal pension service (max. 3 months old)</li><li>a copy or photo of the identity card</li><li>a passport photo if the travel pass holder does not have a national register number</li></ul><p><strong>Note:</strong> give each photo a clear name so that we can see which photo belongs to whom.</p>
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><ul><li>a copy of the certificate of preferential reimbursement due to medical care (max. 3 months old) or a copy of your WIGW (Widows, Invalids, Pensioners and Orphans) card or preferential reimbursement card</li><li>a copy of the identity card</li><li>a passport photo if the travel pass holder:<ul><li>does not have a national register number</li><li>is under 12 years old and does not have a Kids ID</li></ul></li></ul><p><strong>Note:</strong> give each photo a clear name so that we can see which photo belongs to whom.</p>
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><ul><li>a copy of documents proving the identity of the travel pass holder(s)</li><li>a passport photo or photos</li></ul><p>Note: give each photo a clear name so that we can see which photo belongs to whom.</p>
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><p>In the event of the death of a travel pass holder, the following documents must be sent:</p><ul><li>death certificate (certificate from municipality or death announcement)</li><li>certificate of succession, if there are several heirs; please attach any deeds of attorney.</li></ul><p>If a combined NMBS-De Lijn travel pass has been purchased, a copy of the travel pass must be enclosed.</p>
<h4>Upload the requested documents below</h4><ul><li>a copy or photo of the identity card</li></ul>
De Lijn mag via de Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid nagaan of ik recht heb op een sociaal tarief
<h4>Heeft de abonnee nog geen MOBIB-kaart?</h4> <p>Dan halen we de pasfoto uit het rijksregister. Is de abonnee jonger dan 12 jaar of heeft die geen Belgisch rijksregisternummer? Laad hieronder dan een pasfoto op (en geef die een duidelijke naam zodat we zien bij wie die hoort).
Bijlage (secure)
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